Battle Hymn of the GFFA

To the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Filked by Arica

Mine eyes have seen the havoc
caused by this very Dark Lord;
He trampled on the Galaxy
Where his wrath was never spared;
Then he hath mortally fought the fateful lightning
of His terrible Master's strike;
His NAME is now marching on.


Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
His NAME is now marching on.

He has seen Him in the bonfires
Of a hundred circling dreams
She has built Him a stone altar
Surviving the evening nightmares of the damp
They can accept His righteous sentence
By the vim of flaring hopes;
His NAME is marching on.


I have read a fiery writ
In endless clashes of sabers:
"As ye deal with My Dark contemners,
So with My progeny shall you deal"
Let the newest Hero be born of a woman
-Crushed by the serpent once; ever at his heel
Since then his NAME is marching on.


He doesn't fear the forthcoming tribulations
Knowing another "SKYWALKER" shall never call retreat;
He is watching over the all of their hearts,
with Ben, both quietly next to Yoda's seat;
Oh, be swift, all, to honor Him
Be jubilant, ALL the Galaxy shall have a fete
His NAME is marching on.


"Baby Skywalker" is born, all know such glee
A glory against her bosom
He that transfigures into parents both he and she;
As HE died to make this happen,
Let us rejoice in keeping the Force in Balance;
While his NAME keeps marching on.

POSTED 08.23.2005 / KEYWORDS: Arica