A Journey of Discover -- Book One: Pendulum Chapter 3 By Michele See Chapter 1 for disclaimer Rated PG-13 Luke was surprised to find himself once more en route to the Emperor's throne room, located at the pinnacle of the immense palace. Possibilities of escape whirled in his mind, but he was encircled by a half dozen stormtroopers in addition to the two royal guards. Stun cuffs had been attached to his wrists and shackled to his ankles. As the contingent entered Palpatine's vast chamber, Luke was nudged forward while the guards remained in the rear of the room. Only a brief stopover on the way to the execution room? Luke mused. Unlike his previous visit, he did not gawk around the room, nor wonder what messages were conveyed by the ancient Sith hieroglyphics decorating the walls. "Come closer, young Jedi," the Emperor beckoned with one skeletal hand. As Luke shuffled along, he glanced at his father, standing silently to one side. Palpatine waved toward the large transparisteel windows overlooking the city. "Tell me, young Luke, what do you think of my Imperial City?" "Hard to see much from a prison cell," Luke muttered, defiantly remaining standing in the Emperor's presence. "Ahh, true, true," Palpatine agreed, nodding congenially. "It is for that very reason that you will now be staying in different accommodations, from which you will be able to appreciate the magnificence of this crowning jewel in the Imperial empire." "You're moving me?" Luke asked warily. "That is correct." Darth Vader could see the frown on Luke's face as he attempted to discern this new development. The dark lord had thought this was a senseless waste of time from the moment Palpatine had outlined his latest scheme, and had even dared to tell his master so. But the Emperor had reasoned that Luke would be more receptive in a less harsh environment. After all, he theorized, how can one be expected to see how rewarding the dark side can be, if he is held in a sterile gloom-filled cell all day? Luke once more glanced at his father, as if seeking an explanation, or perhaps guidance. Finally he turned back to the Emperor. "I am not going to abandon the Light," he stated emphatically. "So you have informed us," the Emperor replied, drumming his fingers slowly on the arm of his throne. Luke hesitated again. What in Hoth was going on? Whatever it was, he supposed he shouldn't complain. Perhaps these new 'accommodations' would offer a better chance of escape. He narrowed his eyes at the Imperial monarch. "What will become of Lieutenant Jade Maiwara?" "Jade Maiwara?" Palpatine answered, feigning confusion. "The Rebel ... the spy ... you planted in my cell." "Do not concern yourself with her," Palpatine cackled. Vader could feel the gloating satisfaction swirling through his master. Luke had grown attached to the girl, even knowing she was an enemy agent. Palpatine pressed an inconspicuous button on the arm of his throne, and Luke could hear the huge doors behind him opening to admit someone, followed by approaching footsteps, clipped and military-sounding. An austere, middle-aged Imperial officer soon knelt at the foot of Palpatine's dais. "Captain Herkin," the Emperor addressed the newcomer. "Escort Jedi Skywalker to his suite, and see that all his needs are fulfilled." "At once, your Excellency," the man postured. He gestured for Luke to precede him out of the room, where they were joined by the same contingent of guards. * * * * * * * * * * * Captain Herkin stood inside the doorway of the spacious suite, watching as a stormtrooper removed the cuffs from Luke's wrists and ankles. The officer hadn't spoken during their trek here, which was just as well, Luke decided. The loathing he felt for the Jedi literally oozed out of him. Herkin finally broke his silence with one quick informative statement - "Meals will be brought three times a day" - before whirling back out into the corridor. Luke was sure the man had to bite his tongue to not add some derogatory moniker. The room's heavy door whooshed shut, with an electronic lock clicking on. Luke could sense four guards remaining just outside the door, but inside, he was alone. Luke's eyes darted curiously about, taking in the refined elegance of the immense common room. He'd had to land his X-wing in hanger bays smaller than this. Exotic carved moldings of Fijisi wood adorned the high ceilings, its fragrant odor drifting to his nostrils. A plush nerf-leather couch was flanked by a pair of conform loungers. Several highly-polished tables and bookcases were tastefully arranged throughout the room, many bearing expensive-looking works of art. Luke tried not to gape, even though there was no one there to see him. Or was there? He had been able to detect the pinhole holocameras in his detention cell. It didn't take much more effort to locate them here. He could disable them, of course, but to what end? They would be promptly repaired, and he would be punished. Better to just ignore them for now. The young Jedi continued his self-guided tour of his opulent quarters. Assorted music disks were stacked next to a music player, datacards next to a datareader. He picked up one of the latter and read its title -- "Achieving Dominance Through Power." He replaced the repugnant piece of Imperial propaganda, and moved on. Flickers of lights shown through a large window at the end of the room, catching Luke's eye. He gazed out into the coming dusk and had to admit, the Emperor was right about the magnificent view. The lights of the city twinkled like an endless starscape, glittering off the crystal spires of adjacent wings of the palace. Shuttles and hovercabs crisscrossed the sky in streams as far as the eye could see. Though he was far from the top of the palace, his rooms were still high above nearly all the surrounding structures. Squinting, he could barely detect the distant pedestrians on the beltways linking the nearby buildings. The huge transparisteel pane reached floor to ceiling. He could sit on the floor and still have an unobstructed view. There was no balcony, however, no exit to the outside. When Luke reached out his right hand, he felt the expected sting of a protective force field. Luke turned away and wandered into the adjoining bedchamber. He stifled the gasp that threatened to escape, not wanting to give Palpatine the satisfaction of knowing how impressed he was. In the middle of the chamber sat an enormous oval bed. An ornate apocia wood headboard nearly overshadowed the rich silken coverings. Perhaps he would get a good night's sleep before they took him out and shot him, Luke mused sarcastically. An examination of a nearby wardrobe, also intricately detailed, revealed several changes of clothes, all of a design similar to his black attire. That left only the refresher to be checked out. Luke palmed on the overhead illumination, and this time couldn't choke down an exclamation of surprise. A sunken whirlpool tub took up half the space, its size nearly equaling that of the bed. Luke had never seen anything so huge. Uncle Owen would have had a stroke, Luke laughed to himself, to think someone could waste that much water just to take a bath. A shower stall, made of polished marble like the tub, was tucked into a corner. Personal grooming items were arranged on a luxurious sink. There was no window in this room, however, unlike the other two. But why worry about preserving his modesty when every move he made would be recorded by ... Luke stopped as his eyes swept around the room. He didn't see any holocams; he didn't FEEL any. It actually seemed he would have a modicum of privacy. Not that there was any more avenues of escape in here than in the rest of the suite. Soon after Luke returned to the common room, his evening meal was brought, consisting of delicacies most of which Luke couldn't even identify. Later, he sat in front of his window to the world and reflected on Palpatine's obvious attempt to woo him with material possessions. He watched, fascinated, as an enormous beam of light shimmered into existence and moved across the nightscape, overshadowing even the most dazzling of lights below it. Then, bypassing the temptation of the whirlpool, Luke treated himself to the first shower he'd had in nearly two weeks. Crawling into the soft elegance of his new bed, he fell quickly asleep, dreaming of Jedi, Sith Lords, and the girl he'd kissed goodbye. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Darth Vader stood in the shadows in the rear of the throne room as his master's second guest that evening entered the vast chamber, still wearing her Rebel guise. Vader had also held little faith in Jade's role in the plan. She hadn't succeeded in invoking Luke's sympathy sufficiently to cause him to succumb to the darkside in her first attempt, after all. "Ahh, we must give them time," Palpatine had rasped in response to Vader's earlier words of concern. "I can feel his attachment to her growing already. He won't be able to resist. Soon ... she will be able to do as she wishes with him." Darth Vader hoped his son too wise to be lured by the charms of a beautiful woman. He himself had once fallen victim to a weak and foolish infatuation with a woman. The only good thing to come of it was his Force-strong son. "Perhaps we will be fortunate enough for a similar result," Palpatine had then smirked at his servant's thoughts. "They are both young and virile, and both potentially powerful in the Force. Any offspring would be a great boon to the future of the Sith order." Sound reasoning, Vader had reluctantly agreed at the time, even if part of him resented his only son being used as breeding stock. The Dark Lord turned from his musings to the conversation beginning at the central dais. "Skywalker discovered quite easily you were not a Rebel." Palpatine glared at the silent girl kneeling before him. "Is this not so?" "Yes, my master," she conceded, berating herself for her failure, and wondering briefly how she would be punished. Palpatine was silent a moment, then softened his tone. "No matter. He would not be as valuable to us were he that imperceptive." The Emperor rose and approached Jade slowly. "In your service to me you have often posed as a mere concubine of the court. You will once again assume that role, this time in actuality." Jade raised wide eyes to her master, then quickly lowered them. Surely he wasn't suggesting ... ? "I 'suggest' nothing, Mara Jade," the Emperor growled, his voice rising threateningly. "You will become young Skywalker's consort. You will seduce him completely. You will cause him to be so enamored with you that he will forget all about his precious Rebel Alliance. He will beg to join the Empire just to be able to keep you warming his bed every night." He grasped her chin with his spindly fingers and jerked her head up. "You have one standard week." "As my master wishes," Jade breathed, steely resolve filling her that she would never again question His Excellency's bidding. "Now go and prepare yourself," Palpatine commanded. "I expect you to service him tomorrow, and every day after that." "Yes, master," the Emperor's Hand said submissively as she backed out of the throne room. As she reached her quarters, Jade balled her fists in determination. She had foolishly grown lax in the Jedi's detention cell; had accepted his overtures of compassion. All thoughts of respect and camaraderie for Luke Skywalker had been burned out of her by the intensity of her master's inflamed yellow eyes. Palpatine was the center of her life, her purpose for being. Skywalker was an assignment, nothing more. * * * * * * * * * Vader joined his master in looking out over the myriad of lights making up Imperial City, watching as the great clock in the Central Gathering Hall marked the hour with its huge luminescent beam gleaming silently across the night sky. His son's light could one day outshine all others in a similar fashion, he mused to himself. "Are you certain she can be trusted, my master?" Vader spoke, his thoughts going back to the Emperor's newest plan as his mechanical wheezing ominously filled the stillness. Palpatine studied the outline of a hovercab speeding by. "She is my loyal servant. She would no more dare to defy me than you would, Lord Vader." He turned to the man who had become his apprentice more than two decades ago. "Do I need to be worried?" "No, my master," Vader assured him. "Never." * * * * * * * * * * The 'Rescue Luke' committee sat gathered around the game table on the Millennium Falcon -- Han, Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca. Artoo- Detoo and See-Threepio had positioned themselves to one side, while Wedge Antilles leaned against a bulkhead in another corner - - not as a potential rescuer, but as a very unofficial informant of the Alliance's plans for bombarding Coruscant. "Now," Han said, "the way I see it, we just kinda slink onto the planet in the shadow of some droid-operated freighter." "No problem. Could do it in my sleep," Lando shrugged, eliciting a rather sarcastic bark from Chewie. Han gave them both a pointed glare, and continued. "Then we stash the Falcon in some out-of-the-way warehouse, and go on foot to the palace. 'Course, somebody will have to stay with the ship, to be ready to pick us up in case we need to get away in a hurry." Threepio shuffled forward a few steps. "General Solo, Artoo and I would be most willing to fill that role. After all, we have experience ..." Han shot to his feet with a look that would melt durasteel. "NOBODY... I repeat, NOBODY flies my ship but me or Chewie!" Gripping the edge of the table so hard his knuckles turned white, he glanced around at the taken aback faces. "Especially a pair of droids! Do I make myself clear?" Lando raised his hands in defense. "Hey, that was all Luke's idea." Han slouched back down onto his seat. "And remind me again just why we should bother rescuing him?" "Han!" Leia's face filled with indignation, while Artoo emanated a distressful moan. Threepio started to say something, but one look from his mistress stopped him cold. "Just kidding, sweetheart." Han shook his head in mock frustration, then looked toward his co-pilot. "Chewie, you mind guarding the Falcon? I know, I know you'd like to come along," he continued as his partner began howling his objections, "but I need you there to make sure Leia stays put too." "Stays put?" Leia's voice rose several notches. "What do you mean, stays put? I'm going with you." "Too dangerous," Han insisted. "I want you on the Falcon where it's safe." "Listen to me, Han Solo." Leia's brown eyes blazed. "You can't order me around. Besides, I've got the best chance of finding Luke. How many of the rest of you have even been inside the Imperial Palace?" "I doubt we'll find him in one of those ritzy guest suites that you've visited, Your Worship. They've probably got him buried so deep in the Imperial prison it'll take us days to get to him." "All the more reason I should go." She looked at Han intently. "I'll be able to ... sense ... where he is." "You think so?" Han looked dubious. "I was able to hear him calling to me at Bespin." "That's true, she did," Lando put in. "I don't know how, but she did." "But what if he's not calling to you this time?" Han said, uneasy about the idea of her being that close to Vader and Palpatine. He didn't even want to think about the possibility that Luke might not be in any condition to call out. "I should still be able to feel his presence," Leia insisted. "You don't know that for sure." Han frowned at her. "No, I want you on the Falcon. Lando and I can ..." This time, Leia shot to her feet, tiny hands balled into fists. "He's MY brother, and I'm going!" Silence filled the cabin for a moment as three mouths gaped open. Threepio would have joined them if his vocal receptor had a hinged jaw. Wedge was the first to find his voice. "Luke is your brother?" Chewie echoed the question in a loud roar. Lando looked the most thoughtful. "Guess this explains how you could 'hear' him. But how come none of us knew this?" "Long story." Han cut Leia off before she could respond. "All right, you can go," he reluctantly told her. "But you stick right with me." "Like Sarvin glue, General Solo," Leia smirked. Her expression softened, and she looked around at the others. "Thank you. Thank you, everyone, for agreeing to help find Luke. I can't bear the thought that he's probably languishing in some miserable detention cell this very moment." * * * * * * * * Luke had just finished his meal during his second evening in his new quarters, and was preparing to resume his regiment of exercises, when he heard the lock at his door click. As the door whooshed open, he let a gasp of surprise escape his lips before he could stop himself. Before him stood Jade, but a Jade quite unlike the one he had shared a prison cell with. In a skintight shimmering violet-colored dress with slits up the sides of both legs and a plunging neckline that exposed her well-rounded figure, she raised one eyebrow at Lukešs open-mouthed reaction. Captain Herkin put a hand in Jadešs back and gave her a not-so- gentle shove into the room, letting his distaste for the whole matter reflect on his face. "A little gift for you, Skywalker. From the Emperor himself." Snorting with disgust, Herkin turned on his heels and left. Jade took a deep breath, the job at hand not one she was looking forward to. Her orders -- seduce Skywalker and make him fall in love with her so that he would become more viable. Out of all the assignments given to her by the Emperor, this one had to be the most difficult. Last night she had steadfastly told herself that this was merely another mission, to overwhelm him with sexual temptation instead of a blaster. But as she gazed at his boyish features and innocent expression, she had a real fear that she might not be able to carry it off. She took another breath, determined to ignore her sudden lack of confidence, and stepped towards her destiny. Putting her hand to his cheek, she said huskily, "Hello, Luke." If she had slapped him, he couldnšt have looked more bewildered. "Jade, what the...?" he asked in astonishment. He had figured out she really wasn't a Rebel pilot, but this sultry woman was a far cry from the Imperial spy he'd had her pegged for. Jade didnšt reply, but let her fingers slide caressingly down his arm. The incredible warmth filling her from even that small contact brought back memories of their time together in the cell. Would it always be like this for them? Shaking the thought aside, she took his hand and pulled him over to one of the loungers. As she gently pushed him down into it, the conforming chair molded itself to their shifting bodies. She eased in between his parted legs, bent down, and kissed his mouth. He pushed her away, but not very convincingly. "What do you think you're doing, Jade?" "Donšt you want to kiss me, Jedi?" she asked seductively, sitting down in his lap. Slowly, she slid her hand under the tail of his tunic and ran it up his chest. She leaned over and breathed against his cheek. "Išm here for your pleasure, Luke. I will do anything you want... fulfill any desire..." Suddenly she caught his lips again with hers, plunging her tongue inside his mouth. Luke was shocked and yet, strangely thrilled at the same time. Her fingers were softly caressing his chest and he suddenly had to fight an overwhelming urge to give in to her, to open his mouth wider and to pull her into his arms. Instead, he roughly pushed her back. "Jade...stop it." He saw her glance nervously towards one of the holocameras in the corner of the room and it suddenly dawned on him what all this might be about. But enough was enough! Luke reached over and clasped her wrists, halting her once-again wandering hands. "Hold on. Don't I get a say in this?" "Well, yes, of course ... Luke," Jade stuttered. Sith, she knew she'd come on too strong! She was scaring him so badly he'd never succumb to her! "We can do anything you'd like, just name it." She leaned back as he relaxed his grip, flashing him the friendliest, most sincere smile she could manage. Luke pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, as if he were trying to come to some sort of difficult decision. He looked at his visitor carefully, gauging her sense. Taking a deep breath, he came up with a shy smile of his own. "Can we move to another room?" Jade's eyes opened wide in surprise. This wasn't the type of request she was expecting. "Uh ... yes. I don't see why not," she murmured. "Whatever pleasures you." Palpatine certainly hadn't said they had to stay in the common room. "Good." Luke bit his lip, then looked up at her slowly, a hopeful look swirling in his clear blue eyes. "I want to go in there," he entreated, gesturing with his head toward the bedchamber. Jade nodded numbly in assent. When he had a change of heart, he sure didn't fool around! Before her startled brain could form a reply, Luke suddenly stood up, pulling Jade to her feet along with him. With an odd smirk covering his face, he took her hand, tugging her into his lavish sleeping chamber. He had no trouble feeling the ripple of shock that emanated out of her as they bypassed the huge bed and he led her toward the adjoining refresher. "There's a whirlpool tub in the 'fresher I've been meaning to try out. It looks to be plenty big enough for two," he confided with a sheepish grin, though his voice carried loud and clear. What in blazes ...?! Jade had always prided herself on being a good judge of character, but the Jedi was throwing her for a loop. As soon as the door closed behind them, though, he dropped her hand and stepped back. Sighing to himself, he slumped against a wall and slid down to sit on the floor. "What's going on?" Jade asked suspiciously. "Have a seat." He glanced at the empty spot next to him. She narrowed her eyes, then sat down cautiously. Turning toward him, she leaned back against the wall, all senses on alert, wondering what kind of trick the Jedi was up to. Luke hugged his knees to his chest and rested his chin on his arms. Turning his head to face her, he spoke in a low voice. "I just wanted to talk to you, and this is the only spot in the suite without hidden holo-cameras and microphones." Relaxing somewhat, Jade was impressed in spite of herself. So he hadn't been completely idle before she arrived. It took a trained eye to spot the security devices. "Talk about what?" He shrugged slightly. "We could start with, what are you doing here?" "I told you, to keep you company." "Hmmm. Who are you, Jade, really?" "One of the Emperor's concubines." He stared at her with those unflinching blue eyes. "I don't believe you." Jade feigned indignation. "Why would I lie about something like that? What else would I be here for?" "That's what I'm attempting to determine." She broke away from his mesmerizing gaze, and looked out at nothing. "I'm following orders," she murmured. "I see." When silence followed, Jade glimpsed back at him, to find him continuing to study her. "I had been led to believe I was the only Jedi left," he spoke softly, "and that Palpatine and Vader were the only darksiders. And yet, here you are." "I am not a darksider," Jade bit out, confident she had not yet crossed that line. "I know ... I can tell." Luke paused momentarily as Jade flashed an emerald glance his way, though she didn't reply. "Who are you, Jade?" he repeated. "How many times do I have to tell you -- a concubine!" "Your words, and the emotions I feel from you, contradict each other." He lifted his head slightly. "You're no concubine." Jade turned away quickly, her hopes of maintaining her cover floundering like a granite slug caught in one of Imperial Center's frequent rainstorms. She had never failed in any clandestine assignment before. Why was this man able to see right through her, both now and in the detention cell? Was it his Jedi training, or had she somehow given herself away? She had secretly questioned the strategy of switching from one guise to another with the same victim. But who was she to dispute His Excellency's wisdom? Regardless, Skywalker would not be satisfied until she revealed the truth. "I'm the Emperor's Hand," she whispered, not daring to look into his azure eyes. With that simple statement, Jade felt as if a great weight had been lifted from her. She could still carry out her assignment, without the veil of deception between them. He would respect her honesty, and be even more receptive to her influence. "Hand?" "His trusted servant. His personal assassin." "And you're here to kill me." Luke stated it matter-of-factly, but his stomach muscles tightened. Jade didn't answer, so he continued. "But they could have killed me at any time. Why send you?" "I'm not here to kill you," she said sullenly. "I already failed once at that attempt." She felt his surprise, the first hint of emotion he'd shown. "There have been numerous attempts on my life, but I don't recall you," he stated calmly, scrutinizing her even more closely. "It was at Jabba's palace." "You were at Jabba's?" "I was disguised as a dancer, waiting for you when you came for Solo." She felt his eyes studying her once more. "I don't remember seeing you there." "I'm not surprised. You were rather pre-occupied." "So what went wrong?" "I was never able to get close enough. And I didn't count on you being stupid enough to fall into the rancor pit." She heard a low chuckle come from him, and turned to see him gazing out into the room. "That wasn't exactly in my plan, either." She looked at his profile, and wondered what his plan that day had been, but decided he probably wouldn't tell her anyway. "I tried to get Jabba to let me come along on the sail barge, but he was apparently immune to mind control," she continued, rather ruefully. "I discovered that myself." "So how did you do it?" she asked, suddenly curious. "The survivors that straggled back claimed you were cutting people down with a lightsaber. How'd you smuggle that along?" He gave her a quick smile. "Trade secret." "It was in the astromech, wasn't it?" Satisfaction filled her momentarily at his blink of surprise. "Very good," he conceded. "So if you're not here to kill me now," he continued, undeterred in his quest for enlightenment, "why are you here?" Jade exhaled slowly. "I'm supposed to soften you up, make you more receptive to their offer," she said quietly. "To convince you to join the Empire, by any means necessary." Luke met her level gaze. "It won't work. I'll never join them, no matter what your methods of persuasion are." "Then they'll kill you." Luke turned back to staring out at nothing. "I'd rather die, than turn to the darkside." "You're a fool then. The Emperor is offering you the chance to help rule the galaxy, to sit at his side, with Lord Vader." Jade felt a burst of ... regret? heartache?... flow through him at the mention of Vader's name. "I have no desire to rule anyone." "But the Emperor maintains stability in the galaxy," Jade objected. Luke's head jerked up sharply. "By ruling nations with deceit and coercion? By murdering innocent people? By having stormtroopers march through the streets, enforcing unfair laws with terror and fear? You're deluding yourself, Jade." "And you think your Rebellion is the answer?" Jade answered, just as vehemently. "You think your rag-tag leaders could do any better?" "We're not murderers," Luke insisted. "Tell that to the widows and orphans of those aboard the Death Star. Both Death Stars. Most of them were simple technicians and laborers. Many brought there against their will." A surge of pain and regret definitely rippled out from him this time. "There was no other way," he said sadly. "What about the innocent people on Alderaan?" They both fell silent, knowing, for the time being, they were at a stalemate. Finally Mara spoke up. "If we're supposed to be sharing a bath in here, don't you think there should be the sound of water running?" Luke blinked at her, and Jade jumped slightly as the water suddenly started shooting out of the spigot. Luke hid a wry grin behind one hand as Jade made a pretense of being un-impressed. "Show off," she smirked, but she couldn't help letting a grin escape also. The handsome Jedi was full of tricks, it seemed. They continued to talk back and forth for several minutes, the water pouring into the tub the entire time. Finally Jade gave Luke an exasperated look. "Do your vast talents include turning the water off with the Force too, Jedi?" "I thought you would want the honor," he returned. She eyed the controls suspiciously. "I don't do well at manipulating small objects," she finally admitted reluctantly. "Why?" he inquired. "The Force is strong in you. I can feel it." "My talents lie in other directions," she said with an air of haughtiness that she didn't really feel. "Your talent should extend in all directions," Luke countered. "Not just what Palpatine allows you to practice." Indignantly, Jade stared at the control again, her teeth clenched in frustration. Nothing happened. "Relax," Luke counseled. "Visualize the valve in your mind, then picture it turning." She frowned in annoyance. "All right. I'll try." "No!" Luke bit out. "Try not." At her surprised look, he hurried amended, "I mean, don't just try. Do it, or don't do it. If you only try, you're telling yourself it's acceptable to fail." He glanced at the rising water, now nearing the edge of the giant whirlpool. "And you'd best hurry." Jade blew out a breath of exasperation. She gave the valve one more look, then closed her eyes. A few moments later, the valve began to slowly turn to the off position. When the water could no longer be heard, she opened her eyes, a delighted expression shining in her sparkling eyes. "I did it!" Luke could feel satisfaction radiating out from her. "Of course you did. I never doubted it." "So what was that 'try not' business you were spouting? Some kind of Jedi double-talk?" Mara leaned her head over as she looked at him, real interest emanating from her. Luke gave a little chuckle. "Just something my teacher lectured me on, when I tried to lift my X-wing." Jade's eyes grew wide. "You lifted your ship?" "About a meter," Luke laughed. "Then I dropped it." He stretched his legs out on the tile floor. "I've practiced since then, though. Now I can lift it as high as I want, and hold it there for quite a while." Jade snorted in reply, but didn't say anything. He didn't sound like he was bragging. He probably could do just what he said. Luke bit his lip before making a suggestion to her. "You're welcome to use the tub, if you want." "You want me to bathe with you?" Jade wasn't sure she had heard him right. "No, no." His face colored slightly. "I meant, by yourself." "So you expect me to put on a show for you?" Jade decided this whole conversation was getting more bizarre by the moment. The Emperor had ordered her to seduce the man. Maybe the Jedi wanted her in that way after all. Luke looked mortified. "Of course not. I just ... I just didn't think we should waste all that water." "I didn't bring my bathing suit," Jade quipped. Luke looked at her in confusion a moment, then suddenly realized what the problem was. She wasn't wearing anything underneath her skintight dress. "Oh," he backtracked in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." "Why don't you get in?" Mara needled him, amused at his discomfort. "Scared of the water?" "Not at all," Luke replied, offended at her insinuation. "I just don't feel like it right now." "All right." Hiding a little smile, Jade decided to ease up. Stars, he was looking young and innocent all of a sudden. She scooted a little closer to him, and began to massage his shoulders. "What are you doing?" he stiffened noticeably, twisting his neck around to look at her hands. "You're tense," she said. "I'm helping you relax." "I'm not tense," he protested, knowing just the opposite was true. "You know," she began, "my offer when I first arrived is still open." He glanced at her questioningly. "I came here to bring you pleasure. To fulfill any desire you might have." She leaned down and kissed his cheek softly, her sparkling gemstone necklace falling over his shoulder as she provided Luke with a generous view of her cleavage. Luke swallowed hard. "You came because the Emperor ordered you to. I would not take advantage of you in that way." Mara couldn't dampen the surge of surprise. She wasnšt used to men who thought in such a way. Were all Jedi like this? And then another thought occurred to her. "You do like women, don't you?" "Of course I do," he bristled. "But I would never ask you to do anything you yourself didn't desire. It wouldn't be right." The expression 'too good to be true' popped into Jade's mind. The chances of her being able to fulfill this assignment were growing slimmer by the moment. Deep inside, she almost felt relieved. She had no desire to take advantage of the Jedi, due both to the honest friendship he had shown her, and to her own selfish personal reasons. "Very well," she relented, sitting back and letting her hands trail down his arm, then back into her lap. "Perhaps I should be leaving." Luke started to object, suddenly not wanting her to go. But when he opened his mouth, the only words to come out were "If you think it best." He flicked a finger absently, and the water began to drain out of the whirlpool. As Jade watched the slowly descending water level, she saw the Emperor's entire scheme swirling into oblivion just as the water circled the drain. Contrary to her lifelong indoctrination, a faint glimmer of self-preservation shone through. She didn't want to be punished for a failure that was beyond her control. Her only option would be to continue to play the role assigned to her, outside this sanctum. Taking a deep breath, Jade rose gracefully, then bent over the gradually emptying whirlpool and splashed water lightly on her head and arms. "We should at least look like we've been doing something in here." She gave him an amused grin. "You're the one who piped up he wanted to try out this miniature swimming pool." She kicked off her slippers and pulled one strap of her dress down over her slim shoulder, raising an expectant eyebrow at Luke's fully clothed form. Luke got up too. "Guess I did, didn't I?" He pulled off his boots and socks, then paused, hoping that would be enough to satisfy her. Jade reached over and undid several fasteners on his tunic, then ruffled his hair as she nodded toward the tub. Luke cupped his hand into the water, then poured it over his hair, shaking his head like a wet Carosi pup. "Hey, don't overdo it!" Jade yelped in protest as the tepid drops splattered against her. She quickly dragged her hand back into the water and splashed him in the face. "What the ...!" Luke sputtered, already scooping up a handful of bath water in retaliation. He flung it at her retreating figure as she snatched up her shoes and darted through the door toward the common room. "Come back here!" he called, hurrying after her. He caught up with Jade just before she reached the entrance door. Laughing in tandem with her, Luke spun her around, catching her mouth with his. He kissed her hard, then pulled back. Being careful to speak loud enough to be heard by the nearest microphone, he expressed his gratitude for her hospitality. "I had a very enjoyable evening with you, Jade," he began, running his fingers through her damp hair. "Will you return again?" "Yes," she answered softly. "His Excellency has promised I may come as often as you wish." "Then I wish to see you again tomorrow." As the door opened at her signal, with the same pompous captain waiting to escort the 'concubine' back to her suite, Luke let his hands slowly pull away from Jade's fingertips, strangely unwilling to relinquish her touch. She gave him one, last, soft kiss, then turned and followed the officer to the turbolift, the door closing and locking behind them. Luke stood looking at the closed door for several moments, forcing himself to relax and think clearly before turning and heading for the sleeping chamber. How could one woman cause so much confusion to course through him? Not even Leia had ever affected him like this. Did Jade feel anything at all for him, or was she merely playing him for a fool, as Shira Brie had? He had this sudden feeling he would do anything for Jade. Anything. Except turn to the darkside. As Luke lay on his bed in the darkness, he clenched his fists in determination. This was exactly what Palpatine wanted, for him to fall so hard for Jade he would follow her into darkness. But Luke wasn't going to let it happen. He was a Jedi. He could resist her. He had to...