A Journey of Discovery -- Book One: Pendulum Chapter 8 By Michele See Chapter 1 for disclaimer Rated PG-13 As Mara stalked down the passageway, Luke trailing silently behind, she realized that she couldn't remember ever fighting with someone like this. Yes, she had a short temper, but everyone she associated with knew it. Those lower than her in Palpatine's hierarchy gave her a wide berth. With those higher, real or imagined, she couldn't risk her image as a mere courtesan. Those outside the Imperial network -- well, they didn't live long enough to regret their mistake. It was almost a refreshing change, she thought with a start, to be able to express herself freely. It didn't matter to her what Skywalker thought of her. Did it? She shunted that contemplation away quickly. At least now she knew he was capable of raising his voice. Even during that episode with Herkin, when she could feel the anger inside him, he had kept his voice low and threatening. Luke was having musings of his own, as he followed the volatile redhead along the uneven surface. She was keeping the glow rod on low power, pointed down to illuminate her path. Probably doesn't want to risk twisting an ankle and having me pick her up again, Luke thought. Confounded woman! He was trying to be sensible, and she practically throttled him. He hadn't meant to yell back at her. And maybe screaming at each other hadn't been too smart, given their circumstances. In fact, it was downright stupid. How could he let her rile him like that? It reminded him of one of the many spats he'd witnessed between Han and Leia. Up until they finally admitted they were in love, that is. Suddenly, the comparison made Luke feel strangely uncomfortable. He watched the silhouette of Mara's slim figure stalking on ahead of him. She was too proud to knock at the wall that had suddenly sprung up between them. That left it up to him. *Mara?* No answer. *Mara?* he repeated. Her step didn't falter in the least, but a strained reply filtered back. *What do you want?* At least she was talking to him. *I want to apologize. I'm sorry for what I said, and how I said it.* He doesn't have anything to apologize for, Mara thought. It was she, who'd always been so meticulous in her planning, that had ridiculously forgotten about walking through the sewers. But Mara Jade had never apologized to anyone in her life, save the Emperor. And she couldn't bring herself to do it now. Mara slowed her step slightly so she was walking next to Luke. For once, she almost wished he would read her mind, so he'd know how she felt, and how hard this was for her. With his next actions, Mara believed that he did. Luke reached out tentatively and took her free hand. In the dim light of the glow rod, he gave her a shy, understanding smile. "How much farther in this tunnel?" he asked, letting their argument drop. Mara silently thanked the stars for his sensitivity. "About a quarter of a kilometer, then we come out in a large tunnel that links all these smaller ones together. Beyond that it's a straight shot to the underground." "How many smaller ones are there?" "About a hundred, branching out all around the palace. They are the only underground means of exiting this place. And yes, they'll all be guarded by stormtroopers." "And your plan to get past them was ...?" "To let you distract them, of course." "I'll see what I can come up with," Luke quipped. Silence fell once more, a variety of thoughts swirling through both of them. "I met the gold one once," Mara said abruptly, jolting Luke from his musings. "What?" "Your gold droid. The protocol one. I talked to him at Jabba's. You're right, I suppose. Droids can have feelings, of a sort. That one ... he ... was pretty nervous. Worried about whether his Master Luke would come rescue him." Luke laughed lightly. "I knew there was a reason I didn't let him in on our plans. Leave it to Threepio to strike up a conversation with my would-be assassin." "I have a servant droid myself," Mara continued. "Kaythree. Wonder if I'll ever see ... him ... again." "I can't promise that you will." Mara started to retort that she didn't need any promises from him, but the rebuke died on her lips. He was only trying to make her feel better. "Doesn't matter," she muttered. "He'd need a memory wipe and reprogramming anyway." Luke just squeezed her hand in reply. "We smell dreadful," Mara said, after another period of silence. "Ahh," Luke replied. "So that's why there's no stormtroopers around. And I thought those helmets filtered out odors." "Cute. There're no troopers in here because all they have to do is wait for us to wander out on our own. In fact, we should just about ..." Mara was interrupted by a sewer rat scurrying across their path. Luke watched the rodent disappear into the shadows. *Hmmm, I wonder...* He paused and stretched out with the Force. *What are you doing?* *Looking for our distraction.* Luke eased past Mara, quietly approaching the now-in-view end of their personal tunnel. *We need to see what we're up against,* he sent behind him. Mara's face contorted in indignation at her companion. Did he already forget who was in charge? She started to lash out, then bit her tongue, especially after the sewer debacle. Let the Jedi take a turn at guiding their escape. She just hoped he wouldn't get them both killed. Pressed against the side of the passageway, Luke peered out from the shadows to see three stormtroopers standing at attention directly across from the tunnel's exit. He felt Mara come up close behind him, but didn't turn around. *How far up is the next opening?* *Probably a couple hundred meters,* she sullenly replied. *Can this entrance be seen from there?* he next inquired, purposely ignoring her tone. Mara began to see where he was going with his questions. *I don't know,* she replied honestly. *All I could find out was that these dry tunnels are located every few hundred meters. And of course that means there will be tunnel exits, with guards posted, in both directions," she reminded him. Luke nodded but didn't answer. Concentrating, he reached out once more through the Force, then allowed himself a small smile as he found what he'd been seeking. Just a nudge ... Mara peered over his shoulder impatiently. She wanted to push in front of him, but unwillingly admitted his black clothes provided better cover in the shadows than her sparkling green frock would. *So what ...?* Mara stopped as she observed one of the guards raise his hand to his built-in headset. The trooper then nodded to his closest colleague, and the two took off at a brisk pace northward. A moment later, two more guards marched by from a southern post, heading in the same direction. Luke grimaced. He had optimistically hoped all three guards would be called from each post. He could sense Mara's anxious proddings to fill her in. *A nest of sewer rats, two tunnels northward, suspiciously sounds just like a pair of wanted fugitives.* Not bad, she thought. *Now what?* Good question. Luke gauged the remaining trooper's mindset. It was unlikely a similar diversion to the south would lure this one from his post. *I suppose we could just stun him,* Luke pondered, more to himself than to Mara. *We could have stunned all three,* she retorted. *The idea is to leave no clue that this is where we exited.* *I know,* he returned, a little too sharply. He blew out a quick breath, then turned back to look at Mara. *Ideas?* She looked up at his blue eyes, shining brightly despite the near darkness. They needed ... SHE needed ... to put aside petty squabbling, and work together. *There should only be one guard on the tunnels on either side of us, right?* Luke probed outward briefly. *Right.* *I can make noises to draw their attention away.* *Both at the same ...?* Mara's eyes flashed indignantly. *Nevermind.* Luke glanced back out at the guard standing directly across from them. *All right. I should be able to cloud this one's mind long enough for us to slip past.* *You SHOULD be able?* *I can do it.* A new level of determination colored his voice. He glanced back once more. *The others could return any moment. Let's go.* The pair slipped from their hiding place, coordinating their distractions flawlessly. Luke effectively obscured them as they quickly, and soundlessly, made their way across the wide corridor and into a recess that led directly into Coruscant's underworld. Mara paused a moment, looking back at the stormtrooper still standing at attention. Moments later, he was rejoined by the other two troopers and the trio resumed their post, determined that the escapees would never get by them. As Luke and Mara ventured farther and farther away from the palace, the tunnels became increasingly darker and grimier. There was evidence, here and there, of the former glory of the days of the Old Republic. Brown, vile-smelling liquid oozed in rivulets down cracked marble columns. Long abandoned machinery stood rusting in dank, squalid chambers that once sheltered the cream of Coruscant's society. As Mara trudged along, she could both hear and feel her wet feet squishing in her slippers. She avoided looking downward at the greenish slime covering her, toes to ankles. She did notice Luke glancing into every chamber, every spacious room they passed. They had been gradually moving into a deserted industrial area when Luke suddenly darted into a decrepit courtyard between two crumbling warehouses. Unidentifiable vermin scattered in his wake. "Hey!" Mara trailed after him, muttering curses under her breath. "What's so important in here?" Luke had stopped at the far end of the expanse, a happy grin lighting up his face. He swept out one hand with a flourish. "Water!" A stream of murky water, nearly a handspan deep, flowed along a dilapidated trough inset in the floor and disappeared into an open crevice. "We can't drink that!" Mara groused. Surely he wasn't so ignorant of water that he couldn't tell polluted run-off from a fresh waterway. Luke exaggeratedly rolled his eyes, then plopped down at the edge of the trench and stuck his dirty boots into the current. "I thought," he began, looking pointedly at her feet, "you might want to rinse off. This may not be purified spring water, but it should do the trick." Mara sat down next to him with a grunt. She hated it when he was one step ahead of her. Removing her already-ruined shoes, she dipped her feet into the brackish flow. At least it wasn't ice cold. She watched as Luke's slick boots came clean fairly quickly. Her feet were another matter. She could probably scrub them halfway satisfactorily with her hands, but the thought of having that smell then clinging to her hands nearly turned her stomach. She attempted to slosh her feet around, rubbing them together, but the effort was doomed. Luke saw her eyeing her feet disdainfully. "Need a hand?" he offered. "Why, got one to spare?" she groused back. "I don't think the odor would cling to my right hand, the way it would real flesh." Mara turned to him and cocked one eyebrow at his earnest expression. He was serious! She leaned back on her elbows, feigning a relaxed pose. "Whatever pleasures you, Jedi," she purred with a wink. "Be my guest." Mara closed her eyes as she felt his hand massaging first one foot, then the other. Stars, that felt good! She was about to impart a rare compliment when he unexpectantly began tickling the soles of her feet. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Mara sat up abruptly and jerked her feet away. "What do you mean?" he laughed. "You tickled me, the other night in ... bed." Mara looked over to see his face reddening noticeably. "What are you so embarrassed about? I did tickle you, and we were in bed together. For the sake of the holocams, of course." "Of course," Luke repeated stiffly. He rose, then offered her a hand up. Picking up her slippers, he swished them in the moving water, cleaning them as best he could. Avoiding her gaze, he thrust them into her grasp. "These should do till you find something better," he muttered. His mood swings are sometimes worse than mine, Mara thought, shaking her head and following him on their flight to freedom. * * * * * * * * * Luke and Mara had been traveling several hours, making their way deeper and deeper into the squalid byways under the city. They soon realized they were attracting unwanted attention from the unfortunate residents of the tunnels. "I think it's time we shed our clothes, Skywalker," Mara stated without preamble. "Huh?" Luke's confused expression mirrored his scrambled thoughts. Mara shook her head in exasperation. "Let me rephrase. We need to find different clothes to wear. Especially me. Something less conspicuous." "Oh, sure, sure," he agreed quickly. "So what do we do? Find the nearest Grungy Clothes Emporium?" "Did anyone ever tell you, you have a lousy sense of humor?" Mara snorted. "All the time." He winked at her, feeling somewhat relaxed for the first time that day. "So where should we look?" Mara bit her lip in thought. "We could go back toward the surface and scavenge through some garbage dumpsters, I suppose." Luke shook his head. "No, I don't think that's a good idea. Too risky." Mara had to admit he was right. She gave him a sly look. "We could keep going until we find a couple corpses, and borrow their clothes." Luke just stared at her. "I hope you're kidding." Mara began to snicker, then snapped her fingers as an idea sprang to mind. "The Poor Drop!" she exclaimed. "The what? Poor drop?" Luke didn't think he would ever get used to the sudden changes in her train of thought. "Yes." Mara's eyes brightened in satisfaction, even as she nonchalantly brought her foot down on a scurrying spider-roach. "Every few days, the benevolent goody-goods of the upper crust drop food and old clothes down to the poor unfortunates of the lower levels. If we're in luck, today will be one of the days." Luke narrowed his eyes in disbelief. "And the Emperor allows this?" Mara shrugged. "He endorses it, actually." "You're joking." This was more than even naïve Luke could believe. "I never thought of Palpatine as a humanitarian." "Ah, but he is." Mara smiled. "With the emphasis on 'human.' As you may or may not have noticed," she raised an eyebrow, "many of the dwellers down here are alien. Keep them supplied with the basic necessities, they stay down here where they belong, instead of venturing topside where the decent, human, citizens live." Luke let out a disgusted sigh. "All right, where do they have these drops?" Mara studied their surroundings a moment to get her bearings. "I think they're south of each of the main plazas, which would make the nearest one..." She turned to face a decrepit corridor to her right. "...that way." The pair headed out in hopefully the right direction. The dank tunnels were soon becoming more crowded with beings of all species walking, crawling, and limping along the same course. "I'd say we hit it right on the nose," Mara smiled smugly as they backed into a deserted niche, observing the huge crowd milling around two raised platforms in an open chamber. "They should be making the drops any moment now. When they do, I'll pull us out some clothes, and you gather up some food. Those few ration bars we have aren't going to last long." The words were hardly out of her mouth when a loud grating noise sounded overhead, and huge panels retracted to reveal shafts extending upward. With a quick "Meet me back here," Mara shoved Luke toward the foodstuffs that were beginning to fall from one of the chutes, as she joined the throng converging on the garments piling up on the platform nearest her. Mara sifted through the heap of cast-off attire, snatching up outerwear that appeared appropriate for 'blending in.' She retreated back to their secluded nook, clutching her prizes possessively. She was examining a well-worn gray tunic, congratulating herself on snagging something that looked halfway close to her size, when she felt Luke finally approach. Without looking up, she pulled out the dingy brown tunic and pants she'd chosen for him and held them out in his direction. "Here," she said, from her kneeling position. "I figured you needed something different, too. These should fit you." She felt Luke take the garments from her grasp, but he didn't answer. Mara looked up at him questioningly. "Don't you approve? I had to fight off two Twi'leks and a Duros for those." She grinned wryly at him, but Luke's apprehensive expression didn't change. "And, look!" she added triumphantly, waving a pair of battered brown boots like a cherished treasure. "I think they may even fit me!" Not getting the expected response, Mara narrowed her eyes and began to look around their small space. "Where is our food?" she blurted out. "Did you stuff it in your pockets?" Luke shook his head apologetically. "I didn't get anything," he murmured, not meeting her eyes. Mara put her hands on her hips. "You mean to tell me you weren't quick enough to grab us even some rohna bread?" Luke dropped to his knees beside her. "I couldn't, Mara. I could feel their hunger, their desperation. These beings here are starving. I couldn't take food away from them." Mara gazed briefly at the pained look on his face, then glanced down. Every day she spent with Luke, some new facet of his personality was illuminated for her. She had spent her life surrounded by greed and self-indulgence. And now she found herself paired with the most selfless person imaginable. She felt dirty, unworthy of his friendship. "I hoped you would understand," Luke said softly, as she continued staring at the grimy stone floor. "Mara?" "I've never met anyone like you before," she murmured quietly. Luke worked his jaw in thought. "I'm not that unique," he finally said. "You are, in my world." "You're not part of that world anymore, Mara. That's in your past." *And are you in my future?* she mused wistfully to herself, carefully hiding her thoughts. "The Alliance is filled with good and benevolent beings," Luke was continuing. "We are fighting for the equality of all worlds." He looked around them. "No one should have to live like this." Mara didn't reply, but instead began gathering up the clothes she had collected. "What are you doing?" Luke asked, puzzled. She swallowed the lump in her throat before answering. "I'm putting these back, what does it look like?" He touched her arm lightly. "No, you don't have to. There's still plenty of clothes left on the platform. See?" He gestured with his head towards the raised ferrocrete base. "And you're right, we do need to blend in." "Don't patronize me, Skywalker." She pulled away from him. "I'm not one of your noble Jedi Knights, and I never will be." Luke sighed heavily. Would he ever figure out the right thing to say to her? "Quit your sighing, and change clothes," she ordered impatiently. "We can't sit here all day." No, Luke decided, these erratic shifts in temperament were far beyond the capability of either a moisture farmer or a Jedi to understand. Mara began stripping off her outer clothes, oblivious to the wide- eyed Jedi watching her. Luke didn't think he could ever be as complacent about changing clothes in front of each other as she appeared, but he sure wouldn't mind the opportunity of becoming accustomed to it. Luke hastily turned around, pulled off what he considered his Jedi uniform, and donned the well-worn outfit Mara had given him. When he turned back, she was already changed and tugging her new boots on over mismatched socks. Luke began folding his black clothes into a small bundle when he noticed her discarded shimmersilk dress wadded into a corner. "Aren't you going to save your dress?" he asked cautiously, not wanted to invoke her ire yet again, but not willing to ignore the matter either. "Why? I'm never going to wear that thing again," she snapped. "We shouldn't just leave it here. I mean ... somebody might find it, and trace it to us, and besides ..." He fumbled for the right words. "Well, I just think you should keep it." "Getting attached to my wardrobe, are you, Farmboy?" she smirked. "It's just ..." He kept his eyes downcast, refusing to meet her gaze. "You may want to wear it again someday. It looks good on you." Mara colored slightly at this unexpected compliment, refusing to acknowledge how much his words meant to her. She stared in wonder at the man kneeling across from her. Luke could go from stubborn and strong-willed, to altruistically generous, to downright bashful, all in the space of a heartbeat. Sometimes he made her dizzy just trying to keep up with him. "I can roll it up with my things, and I'll even carry the pack." The words rushed out of his mouth before she could raise any more objections. Mara reached over and tossed the sparkling frock to him. "If it means so much to you ..." He nodded gratefully, flashing her a shy smile. * * * * * * * * * * * * *