As Long As We're Together by Michele W. See Part I for Summary and Disclaimers Part V Home Luke and Mara both unconsciously held their breath as the stars around them, and Voyager, faded from their view. Almost immediately, new star patterns winked into existence. Star patterns that seemed familiar. "Quick, check the navicomputer," Mara blurted out, as she unhooked her restraints. "I'm going to look in on Dane." Her instruction to Luke was unnecessary, as he was already studying the readings. He could sense Dane's warm and comforting presence, though he could appreciate Mara's need to actually see him. If she hadn't went, he would have. Dane was wide awake, gurgling happily, as Mara looked down into his crib. She heard a 'whoopee!' from the cockpit. Releasing Dane from his crib restraints, she picked him up and hurried back up front. Luke hugged them both, grinning widely. "Mara! He did it! We're home!" He swung them both around, as Mara laughed with him. "So where exactly are we?" she asked, when he finally set her back down. "A few hours out of Coruscant," he announced excitedly. His eyes became unfocused for a moment, and Mara could feel him reaching out for Leia's presence. A few seconds later, he smiled quietly. Without speaking, Luke enveloped Mara in a long, sensuous kiss, Dane stilled clutched between them. He knew Mara had also felt Leia's startled acknowledgment and subsequent joy. Only moments before, Leia Organa Solo had been sitting quietly in a morning Senate meeting, trying to pay attention to an Ithorian Senator's long-winded oratory. The past fifteen months had been hard on Leia. Luke's disappearance had broken her spirit, something even the destruction of her beloved Alderaan hadn't been able to do. This admission pained her greatly, but she attributed it to the fact that she no longer had a rebellion to take her mind off her sorrows. Though Leia was the first one to note the absence of her brother's presence, she was the last one to give up hope that he would be found. But finally, after over a year of searching, of reaching out with the Force as hard as she could, along with her children and the other Jedi, of following up every lead that surfaced, all of which proved fruitless, finally, exhausted, she just gave up. She knew Luke would be disappointed in her, but, sithspawn, he was the one who abandoned them. Abandoned her. He was the one who willingly went off with that Jade woman, against Leia's protests. Leia at first was certain Mara Jade was responsible for Luke's disappearance. She never trusted that woman any farther than she could see her. Finally Han's arguments that no sign could be found of either Mara or her ship, despite a galaxy-wide search by both New Republic Intelligence and Talon Karrde, reluctantly convinced her that perhaps it was possible that Luke, Mara Jade, and the Jade's Fire could have met with complete destruction. After that admission to herself, she spent weeks hoping that Luke's spirit would appear to her, to comfort her. But as the weeks turned into months, she finally resigned herself to the fact that she would never see her brother again. The New Republic government officially declared Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade dead one year after their disappearance. Luke had left a will, though he had only a few mementos and a small amount of money to be distributed. Mara Jade had significant credit amounts in several different banking establishments, but left no will, causing all her accounts to be frozen until the back-logged court system could decide what to do with them. Talon Karrde seemed to hang on to desperate hope nearly as long as Leia. He kept up Mara's rent payments for six months, then reluctantly had her possessions put in storage, and let her apartment go. And so Leia was sitting in the Senate, her now graying hair straggling loose from her ill-kept braids, when suddenly she sat up with a jolt. She must have been daydreaming, she told herself, as those around her gazed her way curiously. But no, there it was again. Leia closed her eyes, feeling Luke's touch on her mind. She smiled widely as he responded to her Force probe. He was alive! He was coming home to her! The Senators looked on in amazement as Leia jumped up, hastily announcing she had a family emergency, and ran from the chamber like a madwoman. She reached her suite in record time, oblivious to the startled onlookers she swept by. "Han! Han!" Leia screeched, tears pouring down her cheeks as she rushed into their apartment. Han ran out of the kitchen and grabbed hold of his shaking wife. "What's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "Is it one of the kids? Did something happen at their school?" "No, no," she gushed. "Luke! It's Luke! He's alive! He's coming back!" "How ...? When ...?" It was then Han looked closely at her face and realized her tears were tears of joy. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, something he'd not seen in fifteen months. "I felt his mind touch mine, just now, in the Senate." "Are you sure you weren't, well, imagining things again?" Han inquired, tentatively, not wanting to upset her, but not wanting her to get her hopes up either, if this proved to be another dream. Leia had thought she felt Luke presence several times in the past fifteen months, only to go into a deep depression afterwards, when Han convinced her she was only dreaming. "No, I'm sure," she stated emphatically. "This felt different. It was real." "So what did he ...?" Han began, but just then their comm buzzed. Han hurried to the unit. "Solo here." "General Solo, we have an incoming transmission for you." The young operator paused, sounding perplexed. "Its responder identifies it as coming from the Jade's Fire. Wasn't that ...?" "Put it through," Han answered hastily, cutting her off. A familiar voice came on the line. "Han, old friend." "Luke, I can't believe it," Han replied, astonished. Leia was at his side instantly. "Luke, is it really you? Where are you?" she put in anxiously. "Leia, you know it's me. I felt your touch." Mara squeezed Luke's hand. "And we're about two hours out of Coruscant. It will be so good to see all of you again." "Luke, where have you been all this time?" Han inquired. "That's a long story, which we'll save until we talk to you in person. Sorry if I worried you, Leia." An apology which sounded woefully inadequate, even to Luke's own ears. "See you soon." "Luke, wait ..." Leia began, but he was gone. Leia hugged Han fiercely. "Oh, Han, this is so incredible." She pulled away from him. "I've got so much to do. I'll have Winter bring the children home from school early." "I'll get the kids," Han protested. "You'd better tell the Senate you won't be back today. But, I wouldn't say why just yet, in case ..." Leia shook her head. "This is NOT a trick. I know it. But we'll keep it to ourselves for now. Until he's actually here." Leia gave him a quick kiss, and left for the Senate, a thousand different thoughts swirling through her mind. "You know, we could micro-jump in, and be there a lot sooner," Mara commented to Luke. He turned to her. "I think we'll need the two hours to make plans." "Plans? Such as?" "Such as, what do we need to pack? Where are we going to stay tonight?" He grasped her hand. "Where are we going to live? Are we going to risk letting all of Coruscant see we have a child?" "You mean, things we've put off discussing because we weren't sure we'd ever get back here," Mara replied. She remembered the first kidnapping attempt on the twins, that she herself had foiled not long after meeting the Solos. She thought of how the twins had been hidden away the first two years of their lives, and Anakin also for a short time, and of their kidnapping several years later. Mara rose and led Luke back toward the lounge. "Well, we might as well get comfortable." Nearly two hours later, the Jade's Fire was on an approach vector with the main spaceport. Luke felt strangely uncomfortable in his Jedi robes. Mara could feel his nervousness. "It'll be all right," she soothed. "We'll just play it by ear." "I know," he resigned. "I just have this strange feeling of disappointment looming." As soon as he finished the landing cycle, Mara went back and brought Dane out. Luke helped her snuggle him into a small baby sling which Mara strapped to the front of her. Luke gently kissed Dane on the head, and stroked his back. "Sleep, Dane, sleep," he whispered softly. "You know this is for the best," he reminded Mara. "We'll see how things go today. We don't even know what's been happening here since we left." Mara nodded. "And it's only till we get to Han and Leia's. Well, help me with my cloak." Luke fastened his extra Jedi cloak around Mara's neck, and hooked it closed all the way down the front, effectively hiding Dane from view. He had offered to carry Dane himself, but Mara protested that their son would get squished with Leia hugging Luke as soon as she saw him. As Luke straightened up, he could feel Han and Leia approaching the ship. "Looks like the welcoming committee has arrived," Mara commented, as Luke's smile widened. "Go on out. I'll be right behind you." Luke slapped open the hatch and hurried down the ramp, setting down their bag. Leia practically leapt into his arms, and he swung her around joyously. "Luke, I can hardly believe it!" she gushed. "You've finally come home to us!" "Oh, Leia, I've missed you so," he hugged her tightly. "And, Han, it's good to see you again." Luke extracted himself from Leia long enough to give Han a friendly hug. Just then, Han spotted Mara coming slowly down the ramp. She was dressed in a black Jedi robe, and had a pleasant smile on her face, quite different than Han ever remembered seeing her before. "Well, Mara Jade, I see you found your way back also." "It is my ship," she responded smartly. "Did you think I'd let Skywalker return without me?" The frown that crossed Leia's face didn't escape Han's notice. "So," Han began, trying to regain the atmosphere of good cheer which was threatening to evaporate, "just where have you two been all this time?" "Let's just say we made a wrong turn on the way to Yavin," Luke answered. "We'll explain everything when we get to your apartments. If that's where we're going, that is." "Of course." Leia tugged him toward their nearby speeder. "You can sit in the back with me." Luke stood his ground, however, and looked toward Mara. Han, fortunately, took the hint. "You're invited, too, of course, Mara," he said to her, and he picked up the satchel Luke had left on the ramp. The foursome headed for the Solos' speeder. Luke once again resisted Leia's pulling on his arm in order to take Mara's elbow and help her into the front passenger seat. There's definitely something odd going on, Han thought to himself as he put the luggage in the back and slipped into the driver's seat. He could hear Leia chatting happily in the back, with Luke answering patiently. Mara remained quiet, however, almost subdued. "This is a new look for you, isn't it, Mara?" Han ventured, hoping she wouldn't bite his head off. "Does this mean you're a Jedi now?" Unexpectantly, Mara smiled. "Yes, I am. At least, Luke says I am, and he's the master. I finally completed my training." "Ah, I see," Han nodded. "That is what I was going to Yavin for in the first place," she shrugged. They soon reached the palace, and rode the lift up to the Solos' private residence. Luke remained attentive to Mara, his hand hovering at her back as she entered and exited the lift. They had barely made it through the front door when three raucous children jumped Luke, amid cries of "Uncle Luke! Uncle Luke!" "Whoa, there," he laughed. "You don't look like the same kids I remember." "We've grown, Uncle Luke," Jacen answered for all of them. "You've been gone a long time." "I know, and I'm sorry," he hugged them all at once. "I didn't mean to be." As Luke was entangled with his niece and nephews, with Mara looking on, Han pulled Leia aside. "C'mon, Princess, let's get everyone something to drink, and then we can sit down and find out where they've been." They had a small entertainment bar in the corner of their common room, and Han began pulling out appropriate refreshments. He leaned over and whispered to Leia, "Don't you think they're acting mighty peculiar?" "What?" Leia was jolted out of the gaze she had transfixed on Luke. "Luke and Mara," he replied, still keeping his voice low. "Have you ever seen them act this way together?" Leia's line of vision shifted to the smiling Mara, still standing to the side. "Surely she'll leave soon. This is a family reunion." Luke had already lost his outer cloak to the tuggings of the kids, and now Mara moved closer to him. "Luke, honey, can you help me with my cloak?" Mara said clearly to him. Han, carrying a drink in each hand, stopped in his tracks. 'Luke, honey?' he mouthed to Leia, whose eyes had grown wide, an unpleasant expression crossing her face. Luke was dutifully undoing the clasps on Mara's cloak, and pulled it from her shoulders. A loud crash sounded through the room as the glasses slipped from Han's hands. All the Solos stared at Mara. There, strapped to the front of her in some kind of sling, was a small blonde- headed baby. As Luke gently extracted him from the carrier, talking softly all the while, the child's eyes opened, bright blue eyes that slowly took in his surroundings. Han didn't need the Force to detect the chill coming from his wife. Her eyes were as cold as ice. Jaina broke the silence first. "A baby! You found a baby!" Luke smiled, cradling Dane in his arms. "We didn't just find him, Jaina. He's ours." Luke's eyes swept across the room, stopping at Leia's stare. "This is our son," he added quietly. Jacen and Anakin crowded in next to their sister, trying to get a better look. "How could you?" Leia snarled. "How could you do this to me?" Luke looked pleadingly at his twin. "Leia, please...," he began, but Leia had already stormed out of the room and into the kitchen, wishing they had the kind of doors that would slam. Han hesitated, not sure if he should confront Luke, follow Leia, or clean up the spilled drinks. He decided the middle option needed his attention first, and hurried toward the kitchen. Leia's anger washed over Luke, Mara, even the children. Luke and Mara exchanged glances, and Luke started to rise when Mara touched his arm. "Luke, wait. Try to see things from her point of view. She thought she would never see you again, and now you come sauntering back into her life, with a baby and me." "I know, Mara, but I have to talk to her. I need to make her understand, we didn't do this to hurt her." Mara nodded and squeezed his arm as he handed Dane back to her. He then followed Leia and Han's path. As Luke entered the kitchen, Leia was vehemently shrugging off Han's attempts to comfort her. As she felt Luke's presence, she whirled toward her brother. "How could you!?" she spat at him, echoing her earlier outburst. "Leia, what do you mean?" he implored. "What did I do?" "You just left us," she stammered, "so you could run off with that, that harlot! We were here mourning you, while you were out sleeping with that Imperial tramp!" Leia was so angry she was shaking. "You must be ashamed of yourself, the way you sneaked in here with that little bastard." Luke stood perfectly still. Han had never seen such a deadly expression on his face. "Don't you ever, ever call my wife or son names again," he said icily. He had one hand raised slightly, and Han half- expected lightening bolts to jump out. "Luke, please, she didn't mean it." Han had to diffuse this situation now, before it went any further. Leia, however, was not about to back down. "Your wife!" she shrieked. "You couldn't possible do something that insane! How could you marry the Emperor's Hand? Where? Where have you even been?" "Please, let's all calm down and discuss this," Han implored. Luke and Leia stared blaster bolts at each other. When he thought there was a chance he had their attention, Han turned to his brother-in-law. "Luke, maybe you should start at the beginning. Where have you been all this time?" Han could see Luke visibly bringing his anger under control, shutting his eyes briefly, then opening them again slowly. "On the way to Yavin, our ship was pulled into some kind of spatial anomaly," Luke began, his voice even and low. "We emerged in an unknown galaxy, with no way to know which direction to head. We were picked up by a starship, a military exploration vessel. We stayed with them until we found a way back." "You called Mara your wife," Han prompted, trying to elicit more details without upsetting him. "We were married on the starship," he said simply, his eyes never leaving Leia's face. "And we had a baby there." "That can't possibly be a legal marriage," Leia stated coldly. "We'll have it annulled." Oh, no, thought Han. Here we go again. Meanwhile, Mara tried to distract the children from the anger emanating from their mother and uncle. She sent waves of calm feelings toward Luke. *Don't lose your temper, Luke. She doesn't realize what she's saying. We have to be patient.* "Miss Jade, why are Mom and Uncle Luke so mad?" Anakin spoke for the first time. "I guess your mother was just surprised," Mara answered. "This had to be quite a shock to her." "Well, we're surprised, too," Jaina tried to rationalize Mara's answer, "but we're not mad. I think this is a happy surprise." "That's what your Uncle Luke and I thought it would be, too," Mara murmured. "Miss Jade?" It was Jacen this time, eyeing her warily. "Are you and Uncle Luke married?" Mara glanced at their curious faces. "Why, yes, of course." Obviously they had the knowledge that it was possible for two people to have a baby without being married. "So you can call me Aunt Mara," she added. "Aunt Mara?" Jaina piped up. "Can I hold him?" she asked, looking at Dane. "Sure, just sit right here on the couch," she invited Jaina, then carefully placed Dane in her waiting arms. "That's it, just keep your arm behind his head." "What's his name?" Jaina asked. Mara realized they hadn't even given out that much information yet. "His name is Dane," she smiled, as Dane cooed up at Jaina. "And he's almost three standard months old." "Where was he born?" Jacen inquired, sensing his new aunt was in a talkative mood. Except for a brief time on Drall, the children hadn't been around Mara Jade much, but when they had, she's always seemed rather distant to them. "He was born on a starship, in another galaxy. That's where your Uncle Luke and I were married, too." "Is that where you've been? In another galaxy?" Jacen continued. "Yes, we didn't know how to get home," Mara explained as simply as she could. "So how did you get home?" Jacen asked, still not satisfied. Mara had forgotten how many questions children could have. "A very powerful being, with a lot of magic, sent us home." Mara could read Jacen's next question forming on his lips. "Yes, Jacen, more powerful than your Uncle Luke." In the kitchen, Han was having his hands full playing referee between the two Jedi. Thoughts of darksiders ran through his head, as he realized what a precarious position he was in. "Our marriage is perfectly legal," Luke was saying, his voice still low and menacing. "Mara is my wife, and I love her." "Then get out of my home," Leia countered, looking like a coiled viper. "I don't even know you anymore. I wish you'd never come back." Luke didn't say a word, he just stormed out. Leia headed the opposite direction, going out the rear entrance. Han wasn't sure who to follow, but finally decided it was his own kids in the common room who would need him the most. Mara rose as Luke approached. "We're leaving," he announced flatly, his voice allowing no room for discussion. Mara took Dane back from Jaina and quickly gathered up their cloaks. Luke was shouldering their satchel just as Han entered. "Luke, can't we talk this out?" he made one last attempt. Luke paused at the door. "We're not welcome here. I'm sorry, Han." Mara glanced sadly at the bewildered expressions on the children's faces, then followed Luke into the corridor. Han stood at the doorway. "Where will you go?" he asked. "I don't know," was Luke's only reply. He then made a slight gesture, and he and his family disappeared from sight. Han sighed and turned back into the room, wondering how he was going to explain all this to his three waiting children. Luke and Mara made their way out of the palace in silence, hidden from view by Luke. Once outside the gates, they moved toward the public slideway system. In a secluded area they reappeared, though their appearances were slightly changed with Force disguises. "Where are we headed?" Mara finally broke the silence. Luke shrugged. "Any suggestions?" "We can go to my apartment. The cleaning droid should have kept the dust down." "Okay," Luke agreed, then lapsed once more into stillness. "You knew it would be a shock for her," Mara broached the subject that weighed heavily on both their minds. "She's feeling confused, and threatened. She probably feels she's still lost you, this time to me." "That's no excuse for what she... what she called you. You and Dane." Mara slipped one hand under Luke's arm. "Hon, I've been called worse. It's all right." "It is NOT all right," Luke snapped back, then sighed, raised her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry, love. I was just looking forward to coming back so much, and now, now I don't know what's going to happen." "Whatever happens, we'll get through it together." They soon arrived at Mara's apartment building. No one paid them any attention as they reached her door. Mara punched in her security code, but the 'Invalid Code' sign flashed. She tried it again, certain she remembered the right code, but received the same response. "I don't understand. I'm sure this is the right sequence," Mara said, puzzled. "Mara, there's someone inside," Luke advised her. Just then, the door flew open and a large burly humanoid glared at them. "What's goin' on out here?!" he bellowed. "You tryin' to break in?" "Who are you?" Mara shot back, "and what are you doing in my apartment?" "Your apartment?" the man snarled. "This is MY apartment, sister." "But, but..." Mara stammered. Luke gently touched her arm, then addressed the occupant. "Sir, how long have you had this apartment?" "Nearly eight standard months," he growled back. "What's it your business?" Luke remained unflappable. "This had been my wife's apartment," he explained. "We've been away a long time..." "I don't know nuthin' about that," the man retorted. "I heard the last person that lived here is dead." Mara was trying to peer around the man. "Where's my belongings?" she demanded. "Listen, lady, this place was empty when I rented it. Now leave me alone." With that, the door swished shut. "How far ahead did you have your rent paid up?" Luke asked Mara. "A couple months," she replied sullenly. "I figured I'd be back from Yavin by then." "Well, it's clear they put it back up for rent after you quit paying. Someone must know where your things are. We could ask some of your neighbors." Mara looked embarrassed. "I never got to know any of my neighbors. I was gone more than I was here." "We could try the manager." Mara shook her head. "It doesn't matter. I didn't have much anyway. We just need someplace to stay tonight." "I suppose we can get a hotel room, but we'll need some credits." Luke shouldered their bag. "Let's go find a money center." Luke and Mara walked to the nearest banking kiosk, a few blocks away. When she tried to withdraw a credit voucher, however, she received the same response as at her apartment -- ACCESS DENIED. When she punched in an inquiry, the answer came back -- ACCOUNTHOLDER DECEASED - ACCOUNT FROZEN. "Let me try mine," Luke suggested, though he didn't hold out much hope. However, the response he received was slightly different -- ACCOUNT CLOSED. "At least it sounds like your money is still there. They probably gave mine to Leia." "Lot of good it does us, until we are declared no longer dead," Mara frowned. "This is just great." "So, now what?" Luke asked. "We could track down Lando, or Wedge, or Karrde. Somebody." Mara shook her head. "Let's just go back to the ship. We can stay there tonight." Luke put his arm around Mara's shoulders. "It'll be all right. As long as we're together, remember?" Mara shifted Dane on her shoulder and gave Luke a smile. "As long as we're together," she repeated. Later that evening, Han slipped out of the palace, telling the kids he had some business to take care of. Leia was holed up in her office, refusing to speak to him, claiming he was taking Luke's side in what she saw as a disaster. As he made his way into the spaceport, whom should Han run into but Lando Calrissian. "Han, ol' buddy," Lando greeted him jovially. "What are you doing out this way? The Falcon isn't docked here." "Well, uh, I'm coming to see someone, if they're even here," Han answered uncertainly. "Who?" Han hesitated. He didn't think Lando would have any objection to Luke and Mara being married, even though he had pursued Mara himself some time back. And the kid and his new wife would probably like to see a friendly face. "C'mon along, and you'll see." Han and Lando made their way across the docking bays, when Lando suddenly looked up and stopped in his tracks. "That's..., that's...," he sputtered, "the Jade's Fire." He looked wide-eyed at Han's lop-sided grin. "Yeah, it is. Let's see if anyone is home." Mara had finished feeding Dane and was rocking him in the lounge, when Luke looked up. "Han's coming toward the ship," he announced, "and he has someone with him." "Lando," Mara put in, feeling their presence also. "Our first visitors," Luke half-joked, as he got up to answer the banging on the hatch. "Well, I'll be a wampa's uncle," Lando exclaimed, as Luke appeared at the top of the ramp. He grabbed Luke in a Wookiee- sized hug. "I can't believe it." "That's the general sentiment of the day," Luke murmured. "It's good to see you, Lando." Han noticed Luke was dressed in loose-fitting clothing and led them quietly into the ship in his stocking feet. "You weren't going to bed already, were you?" Han asked. "No, no," Luke laughed. "Just wasn't expecting company." They entered the lounge, where Mara still sat holding Dane in the rocking chair the Voyager crew had given them. "My, you're looking very maternal this evening, Mara," Han observed. Mara looked at the shocked Lando. "You'd better close your mouth, Calrissian, or bugs could fly in," she quipped. "You're alive too, and you brought a baby back with you!" Lando exclaimed. "We weren't going to just leave him there," Mara answered smartly. "What's going on here?" Lando looked at each of them. "Han?" "Hey, I'm here for some more answers myself," Han shot back. "And for a chance to hold my new nephew." Mara rose, smiling, and indicated her just-vacated seat. "Then you must sit in Dane's throne," she laughed. "Nephew?" Lando exclaimed. "Would somebody please tell me what's going on?" Mara handed Dane to Han, then snuggled up close to Luke on an adjacent couch. "Have a seat, Lando," Luke invited. "This could take awhile." Luke and Mara took turns describing their unexpected arrival in the Delta Quadrant, being picked up by Voyager, their subsequent marriage, Dane's birth, and ending with their return to Coruscant. "Well, incredible as your story sounds," commented Lando, "knowing you two, I believe it could happen. But what I don't understand is, why are you still on your ship instead of at the palace?" Lando glanced at Han, then back at Luke. "I wouldn't think Leia would want you out of her sight." After a few moments' silence, Luke finally spoke, his arm firmly around Mara. "She was happy to see me, up until she found out Mara and I are... together. That upset her greatly." Mara took Luke's hand and squeezed it gently. "Leia doesn't view me as a suitable partner for her brother," Mara added. "She'll get over it," Han encouraged. "You just have to give her time." Luke and Mara didn't answer. They could both feel Leia's continued anger and hurt. "I wasn't sure you'd be on the Fire when I headed over here," Han went on. "I thought maybe you would find a hotel room or someplace else to stay." Luke shrugged. "It's hard to get a room when you don't have any credits." "And it's hard to get credits when all your accounts are frozen because everyone thinks you're dead," Mara added. "And you find out there's some stranger living in your apartment." "And we didn't feel like bothering anyone else," Luke continued. "So we just came back here. We're doing fine." "Bothering?!" Lando exclaimed. "You should have come straight to me. I'll be glad to help." "And you know I'd give you anything you need," Han added. "Thanks, both of you, but we're comfortable here. This is our home for now," Luke explained. "Well, one member of your family is so comfortable he fell asleep," Han noted, looking at the slumbering child in his arms. Luke laughed quietly. "I'll put him in bed," he said, as he effortlessly took Dane from Han. Han followed Luke back to the cabins. "You handle him pretty well," Han noted, as Luke changed Dane's diaper and tucked him into his crib. "I've had nearly three months to practice," Luke replied, as he stroked Dane's hair, sending him feelings of comfort. "Well, you and Mara seem to make pretty good parents, for two people I never thought would ever get married, much less to each other." "We're very happy together," Luke said as he straightened up, "and overjoyed to have Dane. I don't think either of us knew what happiness was until we finally admitted we were in love with one another. Mara's not just my wife, Han, she's my life. I love her with every breath I take." Luke sighed and leaned against the bulkhead. "I tried so hard to get us home, Han." He raised a hand when Han started to interrupt. "I know, I know, try not, do or do not. Well, I did not. The great Jedi Master couldn't even find his way home. I had to rely on someone else, who just blinked his eyes and sent us home." "Luke, buddy, no one expects you to be able to do everything." "So Mara reminds me." Luke stuck his hands in his pockets. "I felt so guilty, I drove her crazy some days." "Guilty? For what?" "For being happy. For having fun while all of you were mourning us. For not getting us home." "Luke, that's crazy." "I've been called crazy before. Han, I had visions of Leia, of you and the kids. Even though I couldn't feel your presence, I knew how you felt. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it." Luke leaned his head back and shut his eyes. "And now Leia hates me for it." "She doesn't hate you. She just needs time to adjust. She loves you, Luke, she always will. I think she loves you more than she loves me." At that Luke opened his eyes. "I'm sorry, Han. I'm so sorry. Maybe we shouldn't have come back. Maybe everyone would have been better off if we'd just stayed dead." "You're talking nonsense. Luke, I'm not jealous. I never have been." Han gave him a grin. "Well, maybe a little, before I found out you were her brother. Look, you're my best friend, besides Chewie. But you're as stubborn and thick-headed as your sister." "Hence the term 'twins'." Luke finally cracked a small smile. "Maybe you could talk to Leia," Han said hopefully. "You have that way of changing people's minds." "Not this time, Han. Leia doesn't want to talk to me," Luke sighed again. "We're going to Yavin tomorrow. Maybe when we come back." "You're leaving already? You just got here." "I need to check on the Academy." Luke looked up at Han. "There still is an Academy, I hope?" "Sure. All your teachers are still there, as far as I know. Oh, Kyp's declared himself a Jedi Master. Actually, the Senate pressured him into it. They thought the galaxy needed to have a Jedi Master, and Kyp was the front-runner." "Hmm. Well, Kyp was ready," Luke mused, then fell silent. "It's getting late, we should be going," Han finally said. Luke just nodded, and followed Han back out to the lounge. Lando rose as they entered. "I was just telling Mara how I knew all along she and Luke made a good couple," Lando bragged. "Yeah, yeah, Lando's a real psychic," Mara laughed. She got up and slipped her arm around Luke's waist. She had felt his frustration from a few moments earlier. "Lando, how about we let these lovebirds get to sleep?" Han said, then turned to Luke and Mara. "You sure we can't put you up in a hotel?" "No, no," Luke smiled wanly. "We're settled in for the night. And like I said, we're leaving tomorrow." "Well, you call me if you need anything," Han insisted. "We will," Mara promised. She then slipped a small holovid into Han's hand. "What's this?" he asked. "Just something we brought back for you and Leia. Maybe you'll enjoy it, anyway." "Uh, thanks," Han murmured, then lowered his voice as Luke was talking to Lando. "Mara, it's going to take him awhile..." "I know," she whispered back, then winked at Han. "Believe it or not, I've learned patience while we were gone. I'll help him." Mara gave Han a hug. "Something tells me you're going to have a harder time than I am," she added. Mara turned and gave Lando a goodbye hug as he and Luke approached. Han gave them a sad smile. "Take care, you two. And come back soon." "Will do," Luke replied, as he shook Han's, then Lando's hand. After their visitors' departure, Mara cupped Luke's face in her hands. "Luke, sweetheart, you can't blame yourself for Leia's actions. We haven't done anything wrong." Luke kissed his wife tenderly. "I'm so lucky to have you. Let's go to bed. It's been a long day." As Mara lay in their bunk, one arm draped around her husband, many thoughts were running through her mind. How could Leia treat her beloved brother so poorly? She didn't care what Leia thought of her, but Luke didn't deserve this. Maybe, Mara thought, if I go to Leia tomorrow, beg her to... "Mara, don't," came Luke's voice beside her. "Neither of us is going groveling for forgiveness." "You're supposed to be asleep." "So are you." Mara sighed deeply, then thought with annoyance that this was one of Luke's habits she had picked up. "Lando said Karrde is due back to Coruscant anytime now," Mara began, wanting to change the subject. "I'd like to see him before we leave." "Of course," Luke mumbled, shifting to a more comfortable position. "We'll wait until you can see him." Luke shifted again. "You know, this bunk wasn't designed for two people." "Good thing we're both small," Mara observed. "Good thing we weren't here three or four months ago," Luke returned, which elicited a swat from Mara, remembering how uncomfortable she was toward the end of her pregnancy. Just then, a whimper sounded from across the room. "He can't be hungry already," Mara murmured. "Let's wait and see if he goes back to sleep." Dane, however, took his parents' inaction as a reason to cry that much louder. "I'll get him," Luke mumbled sleepily as he crawled out of bed. He picked up his wailing son and held him close. "Hey, Dane, what's the matter?" he whispered. "Check his diaper," Mara suggested. After a moment the answer came back, "Clean and dry. And I don't sense that he's hungry, more like he's scared, or upset." Luke gently rubbed his back, sending his son feelings of comfort. "It's the ship," Mara said suddenly, as inspiration hit her. "We're not on the ship." "Honey, we're on a ship." "But we're not moving. He's used to the feel of Voyager traveling through space. He's never slept anywhere else." "Could be," Luke conceded. "How 'bout it, Dane? Do you miss Voyager? I'm kinda missing it myself tonight." Dane quieted down as Luke stood rocking him back and forth. Moments after Luke laid him back in his crib, however, the wailing resumed. "Do you want me to try?" Mara offered. "No, you go on to sleep. We'll take a walk," Luke replied, as he picked up his son once more. "I doubt I'll be able to sleep tonight anyway." So Luke and Dane explored every nook and cranny of the ship, from the galley to the cargo hold and back again. Dane was satisfied as long as they kept moving. Eventually they made their way to the rocking chair in the lounge. "Well, Dane, today's homecoming didn't go quite the way I anticipated," Luke mused, as Dane cooed to the sound of his father's soothing voice. "I thought sure your Aunt Leia would be overjoyed to meet you." He leaned over and kissed the top of his son's head. "I guess it's just going to take her awhile to get used to the idea." The gentle rocking motion eventually lulled Dane to sleep, followed soon thereafter by his father. Which is how Mara found them the next morning, Luke stretched out in the rocker clutching Dane against his chest, both sound asleep. Mara shook Luke's shoulder. "Luke, wake up!" "What?" Luke mumbled. "Wake up. What are you doing, sleeping like this? You could have dropped him!" Mara chastised her husband. "I didn't drop him," Luke grumbled. Mara shook her head and picked the now awake Dane up out of Luke's arms. "C'mon, sweetie. Let's get you some breakfast." "Lando buzzed this morning and said Karrde landed during the night," Mara said over her shoulder. "That's nice," Luke said absent-mindedly as he fixed himself a cup of caf. "I thought I'd go see him right after Dane and I finish our breakfast." "That's nice," Luke repeated, yawning. Mara looked at him strangely. "Then I thought I'd go rob a banking center and get us some credits." "That's nice," came the answer. Luke looked up and winked. "I'm awake, I'm awake," he teased. "I promise not to drop him while you're gone, either." Mara gazed at her husband's twinkling blue eyes and youthful grin. "You're in a better mood this morning," she remarked. Luke shrugged. "Sitting around feeling sorry for myself isn't going to do anybody any good. Despair can lead to the dark side." Luke walked behind Mara, and began massaging her shoulders. "I have the most gorgeous wife in any galaxy and a wonderful son. I'm not going to let this temporary rift with Leia affect my family's happiness." He leaned over and nuzzled her neck. "Some more of that and we'll be expanding that family," Mara laughed. "Okay by me," Luke acquiesced, as he licked her ear. Suddenly Luke straightened, as a frown crossed his face. "Leia is coming toward the ship." Mara nodded. "I don't sense any anger from her." Luke squeezed Mara's shoulder, then moved toward the hatchway. As he lowered the ramp, Leia approached tentatively. "Hello, Leia," Luke said evenly. "Luke," she nodded in response. "I ... I wanted to talk to you ... you and Mara." Luke gazed at her. "Come in," he finally said, promising himself he would not lose his temper. He thought of the conversation he had just had with Mara only moments before. Luke led Leia into the lounge. Leia hesitated as she saw Mara nursing the baby. "Come in, Leia," Mara said warmly. "Forgive me if I don't get up." "Thank you," Leia answered uncertainly, as she sensed Mara's genuine graciousness. She looked between Luke and Mara, then took a seat. Luke sat close to Mara, keeping silent. "Luke, Mara," the former Princess began, "I've ... come to apologize for my behavior yesterday. There's no excuse for the things I said. I don't expect you to forgive me. I was just hoping we could, well, ..." Luke leaned over and touched Leia's hand. "Leia, it's all right. We understand." "Leia, we're sorry we hurt you," Mara added. "We know the last fifteen months have been incredibly difficult for you. And then we just sweep in out of the blue, with a baby, and announce we're married. It had to be a shock." "Yes, it was," Leia admitted. "It was rather surprising to us, too, and we were there," Luke laughed lightly. He glanced at Mara, then back at Leia. "Leia, let's forget about yesterday. We'll put it behind us, and start over." "I'd like that, Luke," Leia said, tears of relief spilling down her cheeks. She and Luke both rose and embraced in a long overdue reunion. Mara had finished feeding Dane by then, and stood up uncertainly. "Luke," she touched his arm softly, "I did want to see Talon this morning. Perhaps you and Leia would like some time alone together?" Luke smiled. "Sure, go ahead. I'll take care of Dane." Luke cradled Dane easily in one arm as Mara excused herself to change clothes. "Leia, I'd like you to meet my son, Dane Skywalker," he grinned proudly. "He's beautiful, Luke," she congratulated him. Luke gave a jestful frown. "Handsome, not beautiful. Did I ever call your boys beautiful?" "No, you just called them holy terrors. May I?" Leia held out her arms. Luke looked down at his gurgling offspring. "Dane, this is your Aunt Leia. Don't spit up on her too bad." "Oh, Luke, don't you think I've ever been spit up on by a baby?" "I suspect Winter has more than you," Luke shot back, instantly regretting his words. Just then, Mara reappeared. "I'll try not to be long," she assured Luke. "Take your time," Luke responded. "We'll be fine." "I know," she smiled at Luke. He gave her a gentle goodbye kiss, and squeezed her hand. *Everything will be fine now, sweetheart,* she sent to him, glancing at Leia who was stroking Dane's cheek. *Yes it will, Mar, yes it will.* After Mara left, Luke sat down next to Leia. "I'm sorry for the crack about Winter," he apologized. "I know you wanted to spend more time with the kids when they were little." "And who's idea was it to send them away?" "Mine. And it was a mistake. Children belong with their parents." "The voice of experience?" Leia chided him. "I guess so." He looked at Leia intently. "Leia, falling in love with Mara is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love her so much. She and I are so close, we've become one. We've bonded through the Force." He exhaled slowly. "It's the most incredible feeling, Leia. She completes me." Leia could see the joy glistening in his eyes. She reached out and grasped his hand. "I'm so happy for you, Luke. And Mara has changed so much. You must be a good influence on her." Luke gave her a strange look. "Mara's not so different, not really. She's always been a caring, loving person deep down. She just kept it bottled up inside of her." "If you say so," Leia replied, not quite believing him, but not wanting to start a disagreement. "All I know is, you seem to be good for each other." Leia shifted Dane to the other shoulder. "The whole time you were gone, Luke, I only thought of myself, how lonely I was without you. I was angry at you for abandoning me. And then when you showed up with Mara, and proclaimed you and her had a baby together, all I could think of was that you did this to spite me. I was jealous of her, Luke. I didn't want to believe you could be closer to anyone than you were to me." "I thought we weren't going to talk about yesterday," Luke interjected. "I need to, Luke. I need to get this out in the open." "So what happened to change your mind?" "The holovid." "What holovid?" "Your holovid. Han said Mara gave it to him." "Oh, that one." "I caught Han watching it in the middle of the night, when he thought I was asleep. At first I was upset, then I found myself watching it too. I even made him start over at the beginning. As I sat there, I realized I wasn't looking at a Jedi Master and a former Imperial. I saw a man and a woman deeply in love, a newlywed couple having fun together, new parents overjoyed at the birth of their child. I haven't thought of you as a regular person since... since before Bespin." Luke sat forward, his face intent. "I wanted so much for you to be there, to share those moments with us. We even considered waiting to get married until we returned, but we weren't sure when, or if, that would ever happen." "That would have been a long wait. You did right to go on with your life." "I'm so sorry to have caused you such sadness, Leia," Luke apologized. "We tried and tried to get back. Not a day went by that I didn't ask myself, what could I be doing different? What am I overlooking?" He took Leia's hand in his own. "I couldn't sense your presence, but I knew you were hurting, because I was too." "Luke," Leia soothed, rocking Dane, "I know you did everything you could to get back to us. I'm sure that if there was any way you could have avoided going into that anomaly, you would have. But it happened and it's over, and now you're back with us." Luke's expression changed while Leia was speaking. Silently he rose, facing away from his sister. "Luke?" "I was selfish, Leia," he said quietly. "What do you mean? You couldn't help being there." "No, but..." Leia noticed he was clenching and unclenching his right hand, a nervous habit of his, she remembered. Still not looking at her, he finally continued, his voice near breaking. "Q had the power to send us back to the same point in time as when we left. It would have been as if the last fifteen months had never happened. But I didn't..., I couldn't..." "Luke," Leia came up behind him, still holding her new nephew. He turned his head and looked at her with sorrow in his eyes. "I felt so guilty the whole time we were gone. I knew how my disappearance was affecting you. I could have spared you all that heartache. But I was selfish. I didn't want to lose what Mara and I had together. I didn't want to lose my son." Leia started to speak, but he cut her off. "I knew there was every chance in the universe that Mara and I would have fallen in love all over again, and had a baby again. But I was afraid." Tears were welling up in his eyes. "I didn't want to take that chance. I put my own desires above everything else." He turned away again. "I'm so sorry, Leia. I'm so sorry." Leia yanked him around, an incredulous look on her face. "Listen to me. Never think that. I can't believe you could have even considered possibly losing this precious child, just to protect my feelings." She reached up and cupped his face. "My dear, dear brother, I've never seen you so contented as I have today. You deserve this happiness, Luke, you and Mara both. I'm so ashamed I tried to spoil it for you." "Try not," he smiled weakly. Leia swatted at him. "How does Mara put up with you?" "I'm not sure. You'll have to ask her." He hugged her warmly. "How can I be so fortunate? The two most wonderful women in the galaxy, and I'm related to both of them." Leia only smiled. Yes, things were going to be fine. Leia stayed several more hours, then talked Luke into coming back to the palace with her, where Mara met them and Han for lunch. They laughed over Mara's recounting of how Karrde nearly fell out of his chair when she walked in. "I should have brought Dane with me, he probably would have fainted dead away," she said jokingly. "By the way, Luke, he insists we join him for dinner sometime. Perhaps tomorrow?" "We're leaving for Yavin tomorrow," Luke replied. Mara glanced over at Leia, then back to Luke. "I thought now that ..." "I need to check on the Academy," Luke said adamantly. "But, Luke, you can't leave this soon! You just got here," Leia insisted. "We could delay Yavin a few days," Mara joined in. "So now you two are going to gang up on me?" "Welcome to married life, kid," Han quipped. Luke just shook his head in defeat. Three days later, the Skywalkers were preparing the Jade's Fire for take-off. "Feels familiar, doesn't it?" "I just hope we make it all the way this time." "Oh, I don't know, last time didn't turn out so bad." Nevertheless, as they approached the coordinates of their fateful disappearance, Luke and Mara stood on the bridge, staring out the front viewport into the nothingness of hyperspace. Luke wrapped his arms around his wife and held her close. "We're past," he finally whispered. "You realize dozens of ships have traveled this same route after us without any trouble," Mara pointed out. "I know." "And those wormhole things could pop up anywhere, anytime." "I know," he repeated, kissing the top of her head. "We're going to make it to Yavin this time, Mara." "Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we'd made it the first time? Between us, I mean?" Luke turned Mara around to face him, staring into her deep green eyes. "I still would have fallen in love with you, Mara. Perhaps it wouldn't have happened so quickly, but it would've happened. I'm certain of it." Mara leaned forward and kissed him lightly. "So am I." They reached orbit over Yavin without incident, and radioed in the ship's call number, with a request for permission to land. "I didn't recognize that voice," Luke commented, as they received clearance. "Han and Leia said there were a lot of new students here. And you're the one who didn't want to let them know we're alive and on our way." After they touched down, Luke and Mara donned their Jedi cloaks, hoods up. Mara carried Dane, with Luke carrying their small satchel, mostly filled with baby necessities. This time, however, Dane was wide awake and able to see where he was going. Though Luke and Mara kept their son hidden while on Coruscant, they had no qualms about his safety here on Yavin. At the bottom of the ramp, Luke paused to drink in the sight, sounds, and feel of the abundant life that covered the moon. "How I've missed this place," he murmured. "Feels pretty good to me, too," Mara agreed. "If it just wasn't so humid." Luke grinned under his hood, and turned to face a young Jedi student striding across the landing pad. "Greetings," the young Calamarian welcomed them, bowing slightly. "I am Jedi Denkiri. How may I be of service?" "Greetings to you," Luke nodded in reply. "I am Luke, and this is my wife Mara. We have come to see Kyp Durran. We are old friends of his." "Master Durran is in the Great Hall, addressing the students." The young Jedi trainee was about to ask their last name, when strangely enough, he forgot. "I shall take you there." *Feeling playful, are we?* Luke heard in his mind. *I'd like to observe Kyp's oratory skills is all, without making a scene.* *Sure, sure. I noticed how you cloaked our presence as soon as we reached orbit.* Luke just lifted a corner of his hood to give her a smile as they trailed behind their guide. As they entered the back of the Great Hall, Luke tapped Jedi Denkiri. "We shall wait back here until the assembly is concluded. We do not wish to disturb anyone." "Very well," came the trainee's reply. So the small Skywalker family remained incognito, taking seats at the rear of the hall. Kyp talked at length on the raised dais, going over several aspects of the Force to his attentive audience. *He seems to be doing pretty well,* Luke sent. *I'll admit, he has come a long way since I first met him, thanks to you.* Luke's eyes swept across the mostly unfamiliar students. *Your students must have all graduated while we were gone.* *Apparently.* After Kyp's speech, Tionne gave a brief presentation on one of the many chapters of Jedi history, then concluded with a ballad. Mara looked down at her now slumbering son. *She's going to make a great babysitter. Put him right to sleep.* Luke and Mara stayed in their places as the assembly ended. The students mingled, discussing that day's lessons. The teachers remained up front, talking amongst themselves. Luke rose, gesturing for Mara to join him. He dissolved their Force shield as they walked toward the front. Kyp and Streen both looked up sharply at nearly the same time. "I feel ..." Kyp began, looking around in confusion. The other teachers as well began to sense the presence of their former master, though only Kirana Ti spoke what they all were thinking. "It's not possible. It must be some kind of trick." By then, Kyp had spotted the two cloaked figures coming down the aisle. He walked slowly toward them, not daring to hope, then broke into a run when Luke pulled back his hood and flashed him a wide smile. The two old friends embraced in a hug that would have made a Wookiee proud. "Luke!" Kyp cried. "I don't believe it." "Didn't I teach you better than that," Luke laughed. He turned to greet Streen, Kam, Tionne, and the rest of his friends. "Who is that?" a student asked Denkiri. The Calamarian blinked his huge eyes. "An old friend of Master Durran, here for a visit." "He looks familiar somehow," another student put in. Mara pulled her hood back also, letting her red-gold hair spill out over her shoulders. "Mara Jade!" Tionne exclaimed, then fixed her wide-eyed gaze on the sleeping infant. "Everyone," Luke got their attention, "this is our son. Mara and I are married." Luke and Mara were instantly inundated with questions and congratulations. Both Kyp and Luke noticed the puzzlement flowing through the student body. Kyp took Luke by the elbow and cajoled him into accompanying him to the dais. The students had never seen Master Durran act so animated. "Students, we have a wonderful surprise today. May I present to you Jedi Master Luke Skywalker." Ripples of disbelief echoed throughout the room. "I thought he was dead." "He does look like his holos." "He's not smiling like that in any of them, though." Silence fell, however, as Luke began to speak, his soft voice filling the entire chamber. The sense of peace and calm surrounding him was overwhelming. "My friends and fellow Jedi," he began. "I am overjoyed to be back among you. With me are my wife, Mara, and our son, Dane. I'm sure you were all told that Mara and I were lost and presumed dead, but as you can see, the reports of our deaths were greatly exaggerated." Luke paused briefly, as a small ripple of laughter escaped the normally impassive Jedi. "I can see that Master Durran and your other instructors have done an exemplary job in upholding the ideals of this academy. In the days ahead, I hope to meet all of you individually." Luke raised one hand in a sort of blessing. "Until then, may the Force be with all of you." Applause filled the Great Hall. The Skywalkers and the teachers finally made their way to a nearby lounge. Luke and Mara patiently and humorously related their tale. Eventually Luke and several of the others brought their luggage and portable crib from the ship and placed them in Luke's old room. The Jedi hadn't disturbed any of Luke's belongings after his disappearance, declaring the room off-limits to everyone. "I hope you weren't considering this some kind of memorial shrine," Luke joked to them. "I don't know, it's as stuffy as a tomb in here," Mara complained good-naturedly. Several of them cooperated in airing out the small chamber, and that night Luke and Mara settled in, in 'their' room. Luke awoke first the next morning and lay in bed, listening to the singing birds and other jungle sounds of daybreak. Mara stirred next to him on the narrow pallet. "We're going to have to get a regular bed in here," she muttered. "And I get to redecorate." "You're willing to stay on Yavin?" Mara rose on one elbow, and nodded yes. "I knew as soon as we stepped off the ship. This is where we belong." Luke kissed Mara gratefully. "We don't have to live in the Great Temple, you know," he commented. "Where else would we live? All the smaller temples are in ruins." Luke got an excited gleam in his eye. He jumped out of bed, dragging Mara with him. "Put on a robe and shoes," he instructed her, as he did the same. He picked up the still sleeping Dane and pulled Mara out the doorway by the hand. "Where are we going?" Mara questioned, jogging to keep up. "You'll see." They exited the temple and crossed one of the few open clearings nearby. Finally Luke halted in a small glade. Mara looked around in wonder. "It's beautiful here," she praised. "Isn't it? There's a great view of the mountains, and it's within walking distance of the temple." He turned to Mara. "Sweetheart, we can build a cottage here, a real home for us." Luke's jubilant expression was contagious. "Yes, Luke, yes." She kissed him warmly. "We're home, farmboy. We're finally home." THE END Send any comments (the good, the bad, but hopefully not too ugly) to